
Women’s Midlife Advocacy for Gender Equality.

Breaking Barriers and Promoting Mental Health. The voices of middle-aged women who support gender equality have become louder and more prominent in recent years. These women, who range in age from 40 to 65, are essential in confronting traditional gender conventions and stereotypes and fighting for universal equality of rights and opportunities. Their efforts have

Women’s Midlife Advocacy for Gender Equality. Read More »

Midlife Women’s Philanthropy and Social Impact.

Empowering Change. The world has recently seen an encouraging upsurge in humanitarian activities and social projects spearheaded by midlife women. These inspiring people have shown that being older does not prevent one from having a beneficial impact on society. Women in their middle years are tackling a variety of societal problems with tenacity, vision, and

Midlife Women’s Philanthropy and Social Impact. Read More »

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