Purebliss mentalcare.org

PureBliss MentalCare - Your Guide to Better Mental Health.

"Tips, Tools, and Strategies for Overcoming Mental Health Issues"

Welcome to my mental health blog! I’m so grateful that you’ve taken the time to visit my page.

I started this blog because I know firsthand how challenging it can be to struggle with mental health issues. In 2019, I lost my dad to cancer, and it completely wrecked my world. I was devastated, heartbroken, and struggling to cope with my grief. In the midst of it all, I experienced a mental breakdown that left me feeling like I was drowning in my own emotions.

It was a dark and difficult time in my life, but it also taught me a lot about the importance of mental health and self-care. I realized that I needed to prioritize my own well-being if I was ever going to heal from the pain and trauma that I had experienced.

That’s why I created this blog. I wanted to share my story and provide a space for others to find answers, tips, and support for their own mental health challenges. Whether you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, grief, or any other mental health issue, my hope is that this blog will provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome your struggles and find hope and healing.

So, thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s work together to break the stigma surrounding mental health and build a community of support and encouragement for all those who are struggling.

Midlife Women and Schizophrenia: A Case Study.

"Managing Schizophrenia in Women: A Midlife Case Study"

Schizophrenia is a serious and persistent mental illness that can affect anyone of any age, gender, or race. Nobody is immune to it. It can be particularly challenging for women in their midlife who may already be managing hormonal changes, caregiving responsibilities, and other life pressures. In this blog article, we’ll look at a case study of a lady who had schizophrenia and was given a midlife diagnosis, as well as strategies for controlling schizophrenia in women.

The Case Study.

Meet Sarah, a married mother of two at the age of 45 who works as a nurse. When Sarah was 42 years old, she received a schizophrenia diagnosis. Her husband noted that she was more withdrawn and irritated, had trouble focusing, and was frequently defensive. She would stay in her room for extended periods of time, talking to herself and pretending to be deeply contemplative.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia in Women.

Schizophrenia can manifest in a variety of ways, and each person will experience the condition differently. Typical signs of schizophrenia in females include:

Hallucinations: It might be very upsetting for women to hear voices or see things that aren’t there.

Dilusions:Women may harbor delusions that might cause them to feel paranoid, such as the notion that they are being watched or that someone is attempting to harm them.

Disordered thinking: Schizophrenia can lead to disorganized thought processes that make it difficult to communicate clearly or to follow discussions.

Emotional blunting: Women may come out as emotionally distant or struggle to articulate their feelings, which can make it difficult to establish and maintain relationships.

Social withdrawal:Schizophrenia can make women retreat from social circumstances, which might result in a lack of interest in hobbies and past interests.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6230925/


Sarah's Symptoms.

She experienced a variety of the aforementioned signs and  claimed to have heard voices telling her she was useless and that someone was trying to harm her. She believed that her employees were plotting to ruin her career and were collaborating against her. Sarah frequently stayed in her room for hours at a time, muttering to herself and pretending to be deeply contemplative. Her husband decided to seek medical attention since he was worried for her wellbeing.https://cdn.mdedge.com/files/s3fs-public/Document/September-2017/CP_0210_Seeman_FINAL.pdf

Diagnosis and Treatment.

 Underwent a thorough evaluation by a psychiatrist before being given the diagnosis of unreasonable schizophrenia and  was given antipsychotic medication by the psychiatrist to aid with her symptoms. In order to better comprehend Sarah’s condition and how he could support her, Sarah’s husband also underwent counseling.

Antipsychotic drugs can be useful in controlling schizophrenia’s positive symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations. They might not be as successful, though, in treating adverse effects including emotional blunting and social withdrawal.https://www.mdedge.com/psychiatry/article/84312/bipolar-disorder/psychosis-women-consider-midlife-medical-and-psychological

Sarah's Recovery.

Her rehabilitation has progressed gradually but steadily. She has had a dramatic reduction in symptoms thanks to medicine and counseling. She can now communicate with her relatives and take part in social activities. She still has the odd episode of defensive character and delusions, though, and her husband keeps a close eye on her health.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1064748123001550


A woman’s life can be significantly impacted by schizophrenia, a severe mental illness, especially in midlife. However, it is feasible to manage the symptoms and live a full life with prompt diagnosis and treatment. The case study of Sarah emphasizes the significance of getting medical attention when you or a loved one exhibits symptoms of schizophrenia. Women with schizophrenia can recover and enjoy fulfilling lives with the correct support.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/265684351_A_Case_Study_of_Informal_Learning_in_the_Family_associated_with_Very-Late-Onset_of_Schizophrenia_in_Female

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